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Strona głównaWydarzenia › "American Dream of Silesian Texans from Panna Maria" - lecture by Piotr Drąg, PhD and Katarzyna Drąg, PhD


"American Dream of Silesian Texans from Panna Maria" - lecture by Piotr Drąg, PhD and Katarzyna Drąg, PhD

Friday, March 6, 2015 at 7 pm

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Polish Cultural Foundation in Clark with the Jozef Pilsudski Institute of America invite you to a lecture by Piotr Drąg, PhD and Katarzyna Drąg, PhD:"American Dream of Silesian Texans from Panna Maria"

Friday, March 6, 2015 at 7 pm
Polish Cultural Foundation
177 Broadway ▪ Clark ▪ NJ

free admission


"American Dream of Silesian Texans from Panna Maria" The oldest Polish settlement in the United States goes back 160 years . This anniversary provokes interest in nineteenth-century realities of migration to North America.

The theme of the lecture is the American Dream of Silesians who in 1854 decided to take a trip overseas . What motives guided them ? How did they envision a new home ? What was their version of the American dream ?
How did the confrontation of their perceptions with the reality look like?

The lecture will be given by :
dr Piotr Drag dr Katarzyna Drag

Piotr Drag, PhD has a broad educational and cultural background, acquired not only in
Israel, Austria and his native Poland, but also in the United Kingdom. The prominent
Chevening Scholarship from the British Government (2003-2005) allowed him to conduct
his studies at the prestigious Universities of Cambridge and Oxford. This experience
provided him with solid academic credentials.
He has taught at various academic institutions:
University of Oxford (UK)
University of Cambridge (UK)
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France)
Hebrew University in Jerusalem (Israel)
Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland)

Katarzyna Drąg, PhD academic credentials include two Master of Arts degrees: one in
Polish Philology and the other in International Cultural Studies, and a Ph.D. W galicyjskim
tyglu etnicznym, narodowym i społecznym (Kajetan Abgarowicz - Abgar Sołtan), (The
Image of Minorities in Galician "Melting Pot" of in XIX-XX century: The Writings of
Kajetan Abgarowicz/Abgar Sołtan). in Polish Studies written under the supervision of a
former rector of the Jagiellonian University, Prof. Dr. Hab. Franciszek Ziejka. This study
deals with the perception of Poles concerning minorities in Galicia before World War One.
Katarzyna Drag presently teaches at the Department of Social and Journalism Studies,
at Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow (Poland)
