PCF members' meeting
Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at 7:30 pm
The next Polish Cultural Foundation Members' Meeting will take place on
Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at 7:30 pm
Members Loung - Main Building
All members are welcome and are encouraged to participate.
Due to no quorum on 09-14-2016 vote will take place during next members meeting on October, 12, 2016
The Polish Cultural Foundation cordially welcomes you to attend the next meeting of Members and Supporters of the Polish Cultural Foundation (PCF). The meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Polish Cultural Foundation - main building - Members Lounge.
During the meeting the Administration will present their plans for the upcoming year.
There will also be a vote to select the Members’ Representative to the Board of Trustees of the Polish Cultural Foundation to fulfill the vacancy resulting from the resignation of one who held this position. (Until the last moment we were waiting for confirmation from those entitled to stand as a candidates.)
The person applying for this position must meet the following requirements:
1) must be a member of the Polish Cultural Foundation and have paid the membership fee before June 30, 2016
2) must attend at least 50% of scheduled membership meetings, during the preceding 12 months prior to nomination
3) must have exhibited the ability to support the mission of the PCF through active participation as a volunteer.
There is a one person who meet the above criteria and expressed a desire to candidate for the Members’ Representative Position -
Mr. Richard White. Longtime member of the Polish Cultural Foundation, actively helps during the bingo operation, repairs and other events taking place in the Foundation.
Voting privileges are from members of the Foundation and paid their membership fee before June 30 of this year.
If you became a member of the Polish Cultural Foundation by having an account in the Polish and Slavic Federal Credit Union, please make sure that your contribution is actually transferred to the Polish Cultural Foundation. Please contact us by email pcf@pcfnj.org for verification.
Please note that only the main person on the Polish and Slavic Federal Credit Union account is a member of the Polish Cultural Foundation.
Please bring with you a document proving your identity (driving license, passport).