"LANDSCAPE MINIATURES" - Paintings by Malgorzata Kisielewska
Opening Reception: Friday, November 9, from 8:00 to 10:00 PM
Malgorzata Kisielewska was born in Webrzezno, northern Poland. In 1981 graduated from the Hydro-Engineering department of Gdansk University of Technology.
Since an early age she has shown a talent for painting, but in 1985 her artistic talents came to the fore when she took up painting and started to express her emotions artistically on a larger scale. Between 1985 and 1990 she completed about fifty oil works. Part of this collection was sold at charity auctions in Sweden. After a break for almost ten years, she began painting again what became to her as a form of escape from everyday life. This time she used watercolors as a means of expression in the first eight months of 1999. These works were again auctioned for charity in her hometown Gdansk. In 2001, Malgorzata was encouraged by her friend to enter for a competition of Arts Club of the Council of Europe in Strasburg, France. After she won the competition in 2002, her watercolors were presented at solo exhibition at the Palais de l’Europe in Strasburg in the context of the exhibitions organized by the Arts Club of the Council of Europe Staff Amicale.