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Polskiej Fundacji Kulturalnej


Stypendia (Scholarships) 2020
Polskiej Fundacji Kulturalnej

Thank you for your interest in the Polish Cultural Foundation scholarships. Due to the current restrictions by the State of New Jersey, we are unable to read the applications at this time. As soon as the restrictions are lifted, the Scholarship Committee will read all applications that are postmarked by March 31, 2020. If you have any questions or concerns, send an email to pcf@pcfnj.org

Thank you for your interest in the Polish Cultural Foundation scholarships. Due to the current restrictions by the State of New Jersey, we are unable to read the applications at this time.
As soon as the restrictions are lifted, the Scholarship Committee will read all applications that are postmarked by March 31, 2020.
If you have any questions or concerns, send an email to pcf@pcfnj.org

Polska Fundacja Kulturalna została obdarzona przez hojnych darczyńców, którzy umożliwili sfinansowanie trzech różnych funduszy stypendialnych dla kwalifikujących się studentów polskiego pochodzenia.

Każdy z funduszy stypendialnych:

  • fundusz stypendialny imienia Lubomira i Ireny Zabilski
  • fundusz stypendialny imienia Josepha S. Różańskiego
  • fundusz stypendialny imienia Ireny i Mieczysława Niznik Halocha

przyznaje nagrody w wysokości $2,000 za nadchodzący rok szkolny. Zapraszamy studentów "undergraduate", polskiego pochodzenia do składania aplikacji.

Download 2020 Scholarship Application 

The Polish Cultural Foundation has been blessed with generous donors who have funded three different scholarships for deserving undergraduate students of Polish descent.

Each scholarship fund:

  • Lubomir and Irena Zabilski Scholarship
  • Joseph S. Rozanski Scholarship
  • Irena and Mieczyslaw Niznik Halocha Scholarship

gives awards of $2,000 for the upcoming school year. All undergraduate students of Polish descent are encouraged to apply.

Download 2020 Scholarship Application

Polish School
Sala Bankietowa